We had a very busy, very fall-ish weekend. Complete with apple picking at Apple Hill, hay maze, pony ride, playing in the leaves, and of course carving the pumpkin. An awesome weekend with my little spiderman who is getting ready now for the door to door candy hunt. Have a happy Halloween everyone!
Armed with a sharp rock and a little water we watched (and photographed) as the Himba ladies gave one another a trim. I wonder if they would be half as fascinated watching me flat iron my hair? Probably not.
By our last work day at the village the kids had grown comfortable enough with us not to be shy at all about touch. When the songs had been sung, the stories told, and the faces painted, we were all just sort of hanging out and snapping pictures. If you were standing still there was a little one grabbing your hand to hold on each side. They would literally push each other out of the way to be the one to touch you! It was absolutely sweet to see the smile that just holding my hand would bring. I wished for more hands.
This resonates with me as a reminder of how important it is to give the children in our lives the gift of touch. As long as my boy will allow me to I will be holding his hand, kissing his cheeks, wrapping my arms around him, and rubbing his back till he falls asleep. And beyond my own child, offering a hand to hold to a little one can truly be a gift for the both of us. Just try it. Hold the hand of a child and try not to smile, it's pretty much impossible.
Home made beef crock pot soup is the ultimate comfy food for me. I got up early to prep it for after church this morning. Walking in the house to that smell feels like a warm blanket or a favorite pair of slippers. If only the weather outside matched the meal. I'm officially ready for fall and highs below 80.
I'm looking forward to this coming week. Pumpkin carving, lower temps, kids in costumes. E will make the cutest spider man ever. Hope your weekend was happy.
We woke up to the most amazing sky the last work day in Okorosave. I could tell this day would be a special one from the start. Knowing this would be the last full day spent in the village saddened my heart but I was also excited to share with the children the story and activities I'd prepared.
Doesn't this sky just look like God is shinning His glory down on the town? Nothing short of stunning.
The "girl work" on the structure (which didn't include welding and climbing up on shaky scaffolding) was already done so the ladies decided to take a walk through the village to see some of these homes up close. The kids came out of their huts to walk with us, and of course pose for a shot or two.
Check out this termite mound! These things were everywhere and sometimes up to 10 feet tall! Don't mind my less than fashion-ista attire. Comfort and dress code were the priority. The best surprise was it's too dry to sweat!
While we were strolling through the village this little QT was sent out by his mama wrapped in hand made goods for sale. Now that's good marketing!
Not only did I fall in love with these kids but I also gained a bond with every member of our team that went. Sharing something like this is beyond words. These ladies all became my friends, my 2nd and 3rd moms, and my nurse (when I twisted my ankle and got sick.) Not to discount the men, the kind of giving and selfless men that could handle a group of 9 women for 2 weeks! : )
I will cherish each of them and this experience we shared for the rest of my life.
Are you bored with my Africa pics yet? I hope not because I'm only about 1/2 way through the trip. And I love sharing them. Every time I look through the pics for another post I'm taken back and it does my heart good.
Our second day at the village was pure joy. The ice had been broken and we now had a better idea of what we were doing which helped. We had the creation story told by a 72 year old clown, we did a fun craft, more hopscotch, and by the end of the day the village girls started braiding some of our ladies hair. They were fascinated to touch the different textures of hair and were surprised that one of our team mates (who's parents come from Fiji) was American, her darker skin and hair was not what they expected. We all marveled in the beauty of our differences. Please marvel along with me at the beauty in these faces. My heart swells with every one.