About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Friday, March 30, 2012

Black and White

I have been seriously slacking on my self portrait project this month. Like I said in earlier posts it's just been a really crazy and intense few months. This month's theme for {in the picture} was "black and white." I really love b/w photos so I am kind of bummed at myself that I didn't spend more time working on the assignment this month. Oh well, not going to beat myself up about it.

I did manage to take a moment today and take a few selfie shots with this theme in mind. When a photo has a lot of light contrast or if the whites of the eyes stand out it says "convert me to b/w!" At least that's what I hear. So I propped myself up where the blinds created some lines and made sure my eyes were either looking to the side or up to get a lot of white...and yes, I admit it, I'm showing off my engagement ring. (Hee hee hee.)

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Sultry! I like the shadows on your face. Good angle!

  2. Love this shot, the stripes are great. Well done- love your engagement ring too!

  3. The portrait is fabulous!! Nice composition

  4. You have amazing eyebrows! Lovely shot!

  5. I LOVE this shot. I would never have known you were 'slacking'. And congrats on your engagement!!! That's awesome news:)

  6. Wowza...you are totally rocking the selfies. I love this shot...so film noir!!! And that ring is gorgeous!

  7. love this photo, and the ring, yay!
    thanks for linking up at {in the picture} this month!

  8. i love....actually adore....your self portraits.
    i'm jealous you do that so beautifully !!


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