About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 4

Day 4: Something Green

Sometimes adding a little fruit or even cucumber slices in my water helps me get my daily intake. I sliced a key lime to add a little zing in my water today and was inspired to make it my subject for today's photo.

Sounds like everyone enjoyed today's challenge, for most of you green is your favorite color! We certainly have a lovely collection of green hughes and subjects.

Devin <3


Caroline of Constantly Evolving

Valeria of Zen Mind Project

Sarah of Sarahenity NOW!

Laura of Captivating

Jennifer of Herrington Happenings

Mina of Shining Lotus


  1. Love the limes! And I love seeing all the photos here. So cool!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wonderful seeing the variety of photos! Green is a favorite color, for sure.

  4. these greens are so beautiful, what a great and varied collection

  5. I am amazed by the inspiration I get from all of your interpretations of green. I posted mine too late, but here is the link. Hope I will make it today in time :)


  6. I forgot to ask you to send me your email address. I can't find it on your blog.
    Here is my address: evarosales@gmail.com

  7. Love the reflection and light.


I love comments too!