About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1

Day 1 of the 30 day challenge: Self Portrait

I have a new respect for those of you that have mastered the art of self portraiture. It's no joke! I need to hone my skills for sure.

I'm so excited that a few of my friends and blog-buddies have joined me in the challenge! Here are their Day 1 self portraits:

Devin (my sweet and supportive boyfriend)

Jenny at Herrington Happenings

Caroline at Constantly Evolving

Sarah from Sarahenity Now

Michelle (a creative force to be reckoned with!)

Cherie (my cousin the artist)

Amanda of Sweet Reverie

Day 2 will be "What you wore today." So I guess I better iron something cute for tomorrow. lol!

It's not too late to join us in the fun.


  1. Nice! Can I just say that I want Caroline's shirt? There. I said it.

  2. Love all the photos and have joined the fun.
    I am very excited about it.

  3. OMG...looooove your selfie! xo

  4. i am loving watching/seeing all the different takes on the challenges :)


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