About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Being reminded

After stuffing ourselves with yummy deep dish pizza at Zelda's downtown my family and I were out front saying our goodbyes when he approached us with guitar in hand. Knowing my son's love for guitar my dad asked if he could play...with his thick accent he said he'd been playing for years.

He got down on one knee and played a beautiful song for us.

My son was delighted.

I don't know his story, but I'm sure it's a fascinating one.

We are always being reminded to be grateful for our blessings, to be kind to others, and not to underestimate anyone.


  1. "We are always being reminded to be grateful for our blessings, to be kind to others, and not to underestimate anyone. "

    -Now if only more people lived that way, oh how this world would be filled with so much more... :)

  2. What a perfect moment, and you have captured it beautifully Kim!
    I wish you and that sweet little guy a wonderful New Year!

  3. cool shot. so glad you are planning to join the self-portrait project this year at my blog. more to come soon!! happy new year to you.


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