About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Joy Of Love

I found out about a FREE photo workshop via one of the many photographers blogs I follow. And hey, if it's free, it's for me! That, and my word for the year is STRETCH and I'm feeling pretty S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D right now so why not add to my plate?

It's called The Joy of Love and every day for the month of Feb this awesome designer from Willette Photography sends an email with a focus for a photograph of a loved one including camera techniques and tips. I just joined today, two days late, so there's still time for you to sign up!

So I'm gonna play catch up here real quick...

Day one "What They DO"

I wish I had busted out my camera yesterday while my sweet heart was painting my parents sunroom, that would have been perfect. But I came late to the party so I snapped some shots of lil man playing trains. Because trains is what he DO.

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