About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 16 of gratitude

Today I am grateful for my son.

From the moment I knew you existed my life was rocked to the core.

The life that I was living was not good enough for you
so I surrendered my control and with hands lifted I placed them in my Fathers
to take and guide us to a new life of love and peace and growth.

The change didn't stop there.

Being your mother has been a constant and beautiful journey of wanting to be, and becoming a better woman.
You amaze me every day with who you are becoming and I strive every day to be worthy of the role God gave me as your mother.

You bring so much joy into my life and the life of everyone that knows you.

You are special, talented, hilarious, smart, gorgeous, you are a gift from God, you are amazing.

Thank you for loving me.
I will always love you.


  1. I think there is nothing quite like the relationship between a Mom and her little boy. It never stops growing ever so precious each day. You are truly blessed. Beautiful post.

  2. You make me want a baby asap!! I love you words of endearment.

  3. "hands lifted i placed them in my Fathers"
    this filled me with tears. so very beautiful.
    i have a son, and a daughter. i know this type of love.


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