About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


August is over and so ends the August Break pic-a-day project. I'm so glad I decided to participate. Through this month long picture journey I've made connections with other photographers that share my passion, encourage and support my work, and inspire me with their own amazing art. That in itself is priceless. I've also grown as a photographer and discovered the wonder that is flickr. I can't believe I hadn't been active with my account on there! Overall this has been a crazy, fun, busy, and challenging month. I'm looking forward to what fall brings...fall colors, cooler weather, and of course...fall fashion! I've already purchased my new boots. :)


  1. Beautiful focus in these shots! I also found the August Break to be busy. It wasn't much of a "break" for me since I wasn't used to posting every day.

  2. love your pictures! the colour choice as well

  3. Just been taking a peek at your pics, I can see you know your stuff! Great, and thanks for commenting on my pics too.

  4. lovely to meet you at the august break :)

  5. thank you for your amazing pictures, I've loved seeing them in the group pool. Keep 'em coming! xx

  6. Love these! I really enjoy photographing leaves. What's your name on Flickr? I'm active there too. Right now I'm in the midst of moving, so a little slow with photos but will catch up in the fall once I'm settled again.

  7. lovely pics! thanks for stopping at my blog! august break rules! :))


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