About Me

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Sacramento, Cali, United States
38 year old Christian California Girl, wife, mother, photographer, crafter, dreamer, planner, eater, lover, music appreciator.....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Nearly a year ago I had the pleasure of doing a "pin up style" photo shoot with a beautiful girl nammed Shannen. She was a friend of a friend and since I was looking for some experience and she was looking for a way to get fun/sexy pictures for her husband done with a low intimidation factor we scratched each others backs. Looking at these today I can see I've made some good progress this year which is always a good feeling. : ) I've still got a lot to learn and for me the best way to do that is to jump in and figure it out, books do me little good and what people tell me usually goes in one ear and out the other. I do have a shoot planned for this weekend that I'm giddy with excitement about!

Here are a few from my shoot with Shannen that I thought were worth sharing (and wouldn't cause her to blush too much.) I did her hair, she styled the rest of it. I think a little comparison with these and what I post after this next shoot will be fun for me, maybe you too? ; )

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